Spring 2022 edition of Community News
Due to rising production costs, we have sadly had to reduce the number of editions of Community News from four a year to three. But they are all still packed with lots of local information and useful advice. We hope you enjoy the Spring 2022 edition.
Our Spring 2022 Headlines
A tribute to Stan

We’re sad to let you know that Stan Judd, former Trustee and long-time friend of the Community Centre, passed away in December and we share our tribute to him.
Building community
Spring is here and with the new enthusiasm it brings we are undertaking a raft of joint projects, hand in hand with our local Parish Councils, local Community Groups and even those across Winchester.
News from the Community Centre
We are delighted to announce our new community project – a series of Wildlife Sessions for local children. This is a wonderful opportunity to help our children become familiar with the wildlife that surrounds us. We would also like to give our thanks to Sarsen Press, who have not only printed Community News for us for many years, but have inspired and have worked with us to create and promote our recent Women’s Self Defence Sessions.
Parish and Government News
Parish Councils
Oliver’s Battery Parish Council share news on new developments in Oliver’s Battery, including planning permissions relating to the local shops. Their Handyperson Group undertakes regular and ad-hoc maintenance tasks within the parish. As part of the celebrations to mark the 70 years that Queen Elizabeth has been on the throne, a Jubilee Picnic is planned for Sunday June 5th 2022 to be held on the Battery. In Council news, the Annual Parish Meeting is planned for Tuesday 3rd May and elections to the Parish Council will be on 5th May.
Badger Farm Parish Council‘s new Chair, John Godbold, reports that the number of high-speed vehicles on our roads is still causing concern and explains why the railings around the Davis Kickabout area were replaced. The winning entries of the competition to find new artwork for the signs on our wildflower areas are featured and we are encouraged to take part in the Badger Farm photography competition.
Winchester City Council
Winchester City Council has approved plans to identify and secure a development partner to help deliver its vision for the Central Winchester Regeneration (CWR) area. The council has committed to working with a private sector partner to realise the redevelopment of Winchester Bus Station, Kings Walk, the old Friarsgate Medical Centre and Coitbury House. There are also updates on the Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) and on the M3 junctions 9 to 14 project.
Hampshire County Council
Hampshire County Councillor Jan Warwick reports on Roads, Transport and Environmental investment, Household Waste and the planned Platinum Jubilee Celebrations in June. Festivities include activities at schools, public libraries, County Parks, Sir Harold Hillier Gardens, an ‘Everest’ rock climbing relay to the height of Mt Everest at Calshot Outdoor Centre and a special Jubilee concert recorded for the residents of Hampshire’s care homes.
Our local Member of Parliament
Steve Brine shares news about the new ten-year Cancer Plan, local CAMHS services and upcoming Green Winchester events. It was also a welcome return for local events to mark Fairtrade Fortnight this year and Steve popped into one – The Big Brew – right here in Oliver’s Battery.
Local Schools
Badger Farm Pre-school Playgroup
Badger Farm Pre-school Playgroup are now in the middle of the Spring Term. As the weather improves, they are looking forward to growing seeds, flowers and vegetables to support our learning.

St. Peter’s Primary School and Little Fishes Pre-school
One day in February the weather was kind to Little Fishes Pre-school and they were able to enjoy a Bird Watch. After a couple of years of not being able to have our residential visits, St Peter’s Year 6 visited Osmington Bay, Dorset, for a week of action, team work, games and fun.
John Keble CofE Primary School
The restrictions around Covid have been lifted nationally and, at school, they are gradually returning to more ‘normal’ day-to-day arrangements. We are very much looking forward to getting back to All Saints’ Church in Hursley to celebrate Easter. The photograph, taken by Miss Britton, shows the wonderful sunrise over our field and horse chestnut tree. It captures a special moment of calm before the children and parents arrive, tinged also with a little bit of excitement for the day to come.

Oliver’s Battery Primary and Nursery School
It has been great fun in Oliver’s Battery Primary and Nursery School this year for world book day as Hannah Howells spoke to the children about how she became a self-publishing author and her fantastic book about children’s lives during the pandemic. Year 1/2’s had a fantastic day out at Beaulieu and Year 3/4’s have been enjoying their swimming lessons at St Swithun’s. There are some great additions to the Forest School provision. A fun afternoon at the school is planned for the local community on Saturday 2nd April. The event will promote the Nursery Class and give families the opportunity to have a look around the school. There will be a story teller, petting farm, face painter coming and some Forest School activities for you to try.
Stanmore Primary School
At Stanmore Primary School children are excited to finally be able to mix with their friends outside of their class bubbles again in the playground. This term some new play equipment – the ‘Pico’ Eagle – landed at Stanmore. The Pico Eagle was purchased as a result of the generous ‘Frank P Freeman Endowment Fund’ created in memory of ex-headteacher Mr Freeman, a popular teacher at the school in 1931.
Local Organisations and Clubs
Support and Advice
Chat-Tea Café
Now is the time to ‘spring’ into action. Come along and join everyone for a ‘happy few hours’ at the Chat-Tea Café at Badger Farm Community Centre. The Chat-Tea Café is here for all our Winchester communities – not just residents of Badger Farm. It is for anyone who, like a lot of us, may feel the need to ‘get out of the house’ for a few hours and have a place to go that is fairly local, welcoming and where you can easily chat with people, have a laugh, reminisce, share experiences, catch up on local events; all whilst enjoying a hot drink and a delicious, comforting, slice of cake.
Neighbourhood Watch
“Crime can’t flourish in a caring community,” explains Neighbourhood Watch. They share some advice on how, when and who to report a crime to plus some useful links for further information.
North Hampshire Prostate Cancer Support Group
Jaana Jeffery, the Macmillan Supportive Care Lead attached to Hampshire Hospitals Foundation Trust, recently came and spoke to North Hampshire Prostate Cancer Support Group. Having recently carried out an extensive survey of patients, she found that the key need patients identified was psychological and emotional support, this being listed as the most important by 90% of respondents with more guidance on treatment options as the next most important need.
Nature and Environmental Groups
Hampshire & IOW Wildlife Trust
The Winchester Local Group of the Hampshire and IOW Wildlife Trust has been busy planning a relaunch of their guided walks this spring and summer. Walks are scheduled in April, May and June. Further events are still being planned and will be found on the Trust’s website. On a sunny day they recommend you to take a stroll around the Trust’s Winnall Moors nature reserve in the centre of Winchester.
Winchester Horticultural Society
Spring is on its way – at least it feels like it on the sunny days – and the garden is gradually waking up. It will be good to get back to a regular routine of sowing, planting, weeding and tidying up. Or perhaps, more excitingly, you have a new gardening project in mind that you are longing to carry out? The Horticultural Society can inspire you with talks on FARMER’S FIELD TO FRUIT AND FLOWERS, HISTORY OF FLOWERS IN ART and GARDENING BY THE MOON. The Society’s Annual Plant Sale is on 14th May this year.
Food can bring us comfort, help us come together and cooking can benefit our mental health and wellbeing. Why do we waste so much of it? There are plenty of simple ways which can help you to reduce your carbon footprint by shrinking your food waste. WinAcc shares some of these with us.
Other Groups
Oliver’s Battery WI
Oliver’s Battery WI turned twenty-two in March 2022 and they’re looking forward to being able to celebrate it at the April group meeting! Many of the group’s members are already planting seeds and cuttings for the annual OBWI Plant Sale on Saturday 7th May at St Mark’s Church Hall, Oliver’s Battery.
General Articles for Spring 2022
Green issues
Clare Shorter asks “We know what to do to ‘save the planet’ don’t we?” Why not start with something you CAN do? Try eating more plants and better-quality meat but less often. Start reading labels on food and buy food produced in the UK. Shopping in a slightly different way might help you feel happier as you become part of the solution instead part of the problem. Take control!
A walk on the bright side
Simon Lever reflects on Nature’s Seasonal Metamorphosis.

Wishing You Well
Local nutritionist Amanda Turner tells us that over the past 24 months many differences of opinion have arisen because we are all different and have personalised approaches. But ultimately, we share the same goals: to work together and take responsibility to optimise our own health and wellbeing. Recent events have made many of us aware that We are not taking our Health for granted anymore.
Tech Talk
Many of Ann Jury’s columns are inspired by personal experience. Sadly, that’s true for this one too. The Government’s Tell Us Once service is set up to inform all relevant national and local government departments of a bereavement. As Ann used it when she lost her father last year, she shares her experience so you can be prepared if the time comes.
Nature Notes
In the first of her Nature Notes, Wendy Bramall tells us of her local sparrows – and of a close encounter with a Sparrowhawk! February may seem a quiet month but signs of life are stirring with sightings of a Brimstone butterfly. Winter flowering plants are essential food for many insects and the Mahonia Japonica and winter honeysuckle in her garden has had bumble and even the odd honey bee visiting on warm sunny winter days.
We hope you enjoyed reading the Spring 2022 edition of Community News. If you have a community contribution for the next edition or would like to advertise with us, please get in touch with Ann Jury, Community News Editor, at bfobrca.cnews@gmail.com. The editorial deadline for the next issue is Friday 1 July 2022.
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