Winter 2022 edition of Community News
As Christmas approaches and the nights get colder, do sit down with the Winter 2022 edition of Community News and find out what’s been going on in Oliver’s Battery and Badger Farm recently.
Our Winter 2022 Headline
In our front cover article, Personal Trainer Shane O’Connell, who hopes to start a new fitness group for older adults at the Community Centre soon, tells us why it’s important to stay fit in the colder months.
News from the Community Centre
We are well on our way to making Repair Café Winchester a reality. We will join an international array of Repair Café providers linked to the Repair Café movement.

Parish and Government News
Parish Councils
Badger Farm Parish Council reports that the much-delayed Jubilee Bench will now be redesigned as a memorial to our late Queen Elizabeth II. On Planning matters the Parish Council would like to remind residents yet again that there is no permitted development on Badger Farm. The Parish Council is going to hold its Photographic Competition again next year so please look out for details on notice boards and the website.
Oliver’s Battery Parish Council update us on the Draft Regulation 18 Local Plan Consultation. The Events Group recently organised another highly successful Scarecrow competition. Following the recent crowdfunding initiative, which raised £3,243, the extent of the works, based on the priorities for improvements at the Recreation Ground identified in the survey earlier this year, can be firmed up.
Winchester City Council
The draft ‘Regulation 18’ Local Plan will be going out for consultation on Wednesday 2 November and will run until midnight on Wednesday 14 December 2022. The council now have a section on their website dedicated to information and support if you are concerned about the rising cost of living. Winchester City Council has installed solar panels at Biffa Winchester in a bid to reduce carbon emissions and energy bills.
A major new visitor attraction is coming to Winchester. Recreating a key moment in Winchester’s Anglo-Saxon history, brought to life using incredible visuals from the video game franchise Assassin’s Creed®, 878 AD is a unique, interactive experience that will take visitors back to a pivotal point not only in the history of the city but in the history of England as an emerging, unified nation: the defeat of the Vikings by Alfred the Great at the Battle of Edington in May 878.
Hampshire County Council
In this cost of living crisis, Hampshire County Council updates us on warm spaces and the support available for families struggling with the cost of essentials. Hampshire has welcomed more than 1,100 families from Ukraine; Hampshire County Council pays an extra £200 per month to Hampshire residents hosting Ukrainian guests as part of the Government’s Homes for Ukraine Scheme. The ‘Driver Skills Scheme’ is a confidential skills appraisal for drivers aged over 60. You can follow updates on M3 motorway barrier repairs and closures as well as the latest information around the Junction 9 upgrade on the National Highways website.
News from Westminster
Constituents know of my passion for, and focus on, health matters so it is great to report I have recently become the new chairman of an influential Commons Health and Social Care Select Committee.
Our MP, Steve Brine, shares his priorities for this committee.
Local Schools
Badger Farm Pre-school Playgroup
It has been a busy term so far at Badger Farm Pre-school Playgroup, getting to know new friends, and finding out ‘all about us’.
We took part in the Oliver’s Battery scarecrow competition with lots of fun being had making the scarecrow. We won a rosette for taking part which we are all proud of.

St. Peter’s Primary School and Little Fishes Pre-school
St Peter’s School Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs) are on a mission to increase road safety awareness for their fellow pupils, the school and the local community.

September 2022 saw the 23rd anniversary of Little Fishes opening its doors for the first time. It is always a privilege to welcome new children and their families each year, which for many is their first experience of Early Years Education. The mission statement
Jesus said ‘Let the little children come to me.’
is at the heart of all the school does.
Oliver’s Battery Primary and Nursery School
The Forest School provision continues to go from strength to strength with more leaders being trained and the development of a curriculum that allows for progression and celebration of skills. This year has seen the first year in which the girls’ and boys’ football teams have joined a Winchester football league. This has been a great success with the boys on an unbeaten run and the girls winning their second game 6–nil. The girls proudly wore their new kits sponsored by Bluebird Care.
Stanmore Primary School
Headteacher Sharon Taylor was recently asked ‘If a child leaves your school fully supported by their parents and achieving everything that you have set out to offer them, what will they be like?’ Read her answer in her article.

Local Organisations and Clubs
Support and Advice
Chat-Tea Café
The vibrant and glorious colours of Autumn have now tumbled from our trees and we are in the throes of Winter and Christmas is on its way. Each season has its joy. It may now be crunchy underfoot, or wet and windy, but we know it will pass and Spring will be soon be awaking to greet us with yet another kaleidoscope of colours to enjoy. The seasons come and go but the one constant is that here at the Chat-Tea Café our amazing band of volunteers will be waiting to greet you with a warm welcome.

North Hampshire Prostate Cancer Support Group
Many of us now use the internet on a regular basis, so keeping safe from scammers seeking to defraud or steal one’s identity is now of key importance. The North Hampshire Prostate Cancer Support Group was this month privileged to have as speaker Trevor Brookes, a Cyber Bobby for the Blue Lamp Trust. Although not a member of the police, Trevor explained that cyber bobby volunteers are fully police checked. He added that the Trust offers a home security service where vulnerable people can request a visit to assess the security of their home and online use, with appointment requests for both services for home visits either online at or by phoning 0300 777 0157.
Nature and Environmental Groups
Sustainable Oliver’s Battery
OB Sus are planning three strands of activities for 2023. The theme of reducing consumption to save energy and resources will continue.
Winchester Horticultural Society
Winchester Horticultural Society’s programme for the next four months offers a variety of topics, including A Hampshire Calendar, Spring flowers of Crete, Growing Soft Fruit and a talk on the Plight of the Bumblebee. They would be pleased if you decided to join them for any of these events.
Other Groups
Oliver’s Battery WI
The OBWI group has been in the community for more than 20 years and includes several of the founding members in its membership, who come from around the area. The group’s aim is to offer women fun and friendship, involvement in the community as well as education through informative meetings. At most gatherings home-baked refreshments are a given, with dietary requirements considered too!
Oliver’s Battery Brownies
The Brownies been looking at rules this half term and as part of this have explored confidence, resilience, community impact, and democracy. Activities have included choosing the new Six emblems – Unicorn, Mermaid, Phoenix and Dragon, meeting and questioning local MP Steve Brine and following a recipe (fab unicorn and dragon cakes girls!)
General Articles for Winter 2022
A walk on the bright side
Simon Lever shares an original poem with us.
Green issues: The Race Is On!
Do you like winning a raffle or race? Winning twice over is even better – we call it a ‘win-win’. We are all in a race now and the finishing line is Net Zero (where the carbon we produce is balanced by carbon absorbed). For the sake of people and all other living things we must all join in the race whole-heartedly.
Wildlife gardening
What to do when you can’t do much! Peter Roberts stops and thinks about what to do in the garden in mid-Autumn and into Winter.
Wishing you well
Feeling rubbish after eating lots of junk food? Local Nutritional Therapy Practitioner Amanda Turner explains why.
Tech talk
Local computer tutor Ann Jury has recommended Bitdefender Free Anti-Virus countless times. But she’s now looking for alternatives. Why? And what does she recommend now?
Nature notes
The local rooks have been busy creating a mess in the Oliver’s Battery recreation ground. Probing with their large, powerful beaks and claws they are looking for Cockchafer grubs, wire worms and other soil dwellers.

We hope you enjoyed reading the Winter 2022 edition of Community News. If you have a community contribution for the next edition or would like to advertise with us, please get in touch with Ann Jury, Community News Editor, at The editorial deadline for the next issue is Friday 3 March 2023.
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