Repair Café Winchester runs once a month on Saturday. You’ll find it at Badger Farm Community Centre from 10.00am to 12.30pm. Our aim is to reduce landfill waste by helping you to repair small domestic items.

The tech team at Repair Café Winchester

A repair café is a fun, social community event that values the expertise of volunteer craftspeople and helps to reduce waste and consumption.

We will consider items ranging from clothing (clean please) to small electrical, to woodwork and even bikes as well as some more specialised skills our amazing volunteer repairers are able to tackle (all this will depend on their availability for the day so it is vital you book and let us know in advance). We’ve even had a wonderful musical instrument repairer come along to one of our sessions!

You can book a repair slot through the Repair Café Winchester website or by email at Once your booking is processed come along and we will see what we can do to get those personal items functioning again. We don’t charge for repairs, but we may ask you to provide some spare parts your repair needs. Donations are gratefully received.

You’ll find the dates of all upcoming Cafés here. There’s also lots of information about the impact the Repair Café Winchester makes.

Everyone is welcome to pop in and enjoy the ambience and our café. We always have cake and coffee available.

Winchester Repair Café – strikes again!

This month I went with a camera I could not get to work; as it was, it was useless to me. My mentor Steve, showed me how to understand the instructions (limited, confusing, contrary), how to update the software using an SD card, patiently and clearly showing me every step so I could replicate it later on my own.

As I had pre-booked my ‘space’ Steve had done some homework on what to expect, including downloading the manual for himself. It was brilliant. I learnt a lot and am absolutely re-motivated to take photos again.

Everyone is a volunteer. Tables for ‘textiles’ – ‘wooden items’ – ‘bikes’ – ‘electronics’ – ‘computers & IT’ and ‘other’ (what on earth could be ‘other’!). The volunteers are not just handymen (no disrespect to them either); they are all experts with years of experience, qualifications and knowledge. They bring trunk loads of tools and equipment to help us.

All this wonderful welcome and wealth of expertise is available to anyone, all you need to do is give a donation (and not just a couple of coins but a note!)

While I was there, I saw a dead Dyson kicked back to life, a 1950s teas-made lovingly taken apart and reassembled with a bit of glue here and there, should work like a dream. Several floor lamps fixed in a jiffy, a tent fully assembled and repaired, a precious china tea cup with all the tiny broken bits presented for repair – and I bet they do a perfect job. Next time I am taking an oak chair to be glued – ‘no problem, I’ll bring my clamps’.

And all of this is there for us and it is quite fantastic. I am so very grateful, thank you

A happy customer!

Join the team

If you are interested in joining our team of talented volunteers then get in touch with us through the website.

Fixing your favourite things