Retirement should be a time to reap the rewards of all you’ve achieved in life. It’s a time to have freedom and independence of seeing friends and family, a time to do the things that you never got round to doing. It’s the time to be fit and healthy so you can achieve all these things and more.
Elder Life Fitness classes
Elder Life Fitness is an exercise and fitness classes for over 60s. Sessions cover:
- Chair Exercises
- Mobility & Flexibility
- Strength & Bone Density Exercises
- Balance, Co-ordination & Fall Prevention
- Exercise for Mental & Cognitive Wellbeing
Classes run on Thursday from 10am to 11am and cost £10 to £12 per session. All abilities are welcome!
Find out more
To register your interest, please call Abby Knight on 07791 155 901 or email info@elderlifefitness.co.uk. To find out more visit the Elder Life Fitness website.