Do you enjoy drawing and painting?
Badger Farm Art Group meets Thursdays during term time, from 1.30-3.30pm. We are a friendly and relaxed group, who meet to produce some artwork, but also to have a chat and a cup of tea. We use a variety of materials, watercolours, acrylics, scraperboards, pens and pencil. We sometimes look at artwork produced by artists around the world, from Art history and contemporary artists.
Recent projects have been based on portraits, to link with the Grayson Perry exhibition at the Arc. We’ve also done projects on Pop Art, and animals, looking at different techniques and styles. If you enjoy doing something creative, then come along and meet us.
The sessions are run by a professional artist and all levels of skill and experience are welcome. Cost is £7.50 per session. There’s no obligation to come every week, and we use a ‘pay as you go’ system, so no need to pay a big fee upfront. If you want more information, please email Sarah, or just pop in.
Further details from Sarah Zimmer