The Oliver’s Battery Easter Egg Hunt 2024
Please Note: The cut off date for Application Forms has been extended to Wednesday 27 March .
The 3rd Oliver’s Battery Easter Egg Hunt will be held this Easter Sunday, 31 March 2024, between 12.30pm and 5pm. There is no mass start – you can start when you and your family are ready. This allows families to participate in more than one event if they wish.

All the routes are new for 2024! There are courses that are friendly for toddler, infant, junior and all other age groups. Between them, they cover the urban and rural parts of Oliver’s Battery Civil Parish with various levels of challenge. The Start and Finish is at St Mark’s Hall.
There are three free courses: Toddler, Junior Maze (which is appropriate for all ages groups Junior and upwards) and a Phone App Taster. All other courses: £1 Entry Fee for Infant and Junior courses; £2 Entry Fee for urban, rural and Phone App courses.
Click here for full details of the various courses plus a printable Application Form. You can also apply online: click here to complete an On-Line Application Form. Paper Application Forms can be returned via Alexandra Sports, New Forest Butchers and the Post Office. Cash or card Entry Fee payments will be taken on the day. Please do not send any monies with the entry form.
All fee-paying course entrants will receive an Easter Egg on completion!
Trophies will be presented at 5.15pm at the end of the event.
For more information, please email