Summer 2023 edition of Community News
Our Summer 2023 Headline

In an extended article in the Summer 2023 edition, read all the current information about the Badger Farm & Oliver’s Battery Residents’ Community Association’s campaign to protect Bushfield Camp. There are many ways you can help out; take a look a the article to find out how.
News from the Community Centre
We were sad to read of the death of our former trustee, Loraine Martin. Read Anne Ardill’s tribute to a lovely lady who gave so much to the community.
Parish and Government News
Parish Councils
Badger Farm Parish Council has taken back responsibility for the five bus stops on the estate. Following WCC’s Cabinet approval of the Master Plan for Bushfield Camp and prior to the application for outline planning permission, the Parish is taking professional advice on how to proceed and protect our environment and infrastructure. To mark the coronation of King Charles III the Council is going to plant a copper beech tree at the junction of Ridgeway and Meadow Way.
Oliver’s Battery Parish Council reports on past and upcoming events in the parish and their work re-nominating Texas Field and Yew Hill Butterfly Reserve as an Asset of Community Value. They are also involved in the discussions regarding the development of Bushfield Camp.
Winchester City Council
Our councillors share ways in which local services are getting more open, accessible and transparent thanks to our connected modern world. You can use the Your Winchester smartphone app to access many everyday services and problem-solving tools. Or just follow the council on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
Hampshire County Council
The council reports on rural verge cutting, cost of living support, bus service investment and the Greening Campaign. They ask if we can help support local children either by getting involved with School Transport or by fostering vulnerable unaccompanied asylum-seeking children in need of a home. They also ask us to get involved with their Budget Consultation.
News from Westminster
Our MP, Steve Brine, thanks all who’ve written since he announced he would not be standing again in Winchester at the next election. £40m of capital investment has been secured to develop an elective hub and orthopaedic outpatient facility at the Royal Hampshire County Hospital in Winchester. Steve tells us of the sad case of Owen Carey who was just 18 when he suffered a fatal anaphylactic reaction after eating a chicken burger at a restaurant. ‘Owens Law’ calls for legal change to protect customers with allergies, for more research into the causes of allergies and for proper recording of, and a national register for, anaphylaxis deaths. Get involved at Owens Law.
Local Schools
Badger Farm Pre-school Playgroup

The playgroup has celebrated the King’s Coronation and discovered how much fun science can be. They had a great day out at Moors Valley Country Park.
Oliver’s Battery Primary and Nursery School
The school has welcomed the Street Pastors to talk about their new role as School Pastors and the Hat Fair playmakers to deliver dance workshops. It is the school’s 50th anniversary in September. The school community is working hard to organise a big celebration on Saturday 18 September. They welcome any previous teachers or students to come and celebrate the success of the school over the years. Look out for further information!
Stanmore Primary School
Stanmore Primary is celebrating their value of excellence this term, with more success from their fantastic children. The choir performed at Winchester Cathedral as part of the massed choir of Winchester Schools conducted by Chris Burton from Pilgrims. The swimming team enjoyed competing at the Winchester Schools Gala and the dance squad won the Intergr8 dance-off at the Theatre Royal. Stanmore mathematicians received gold and silver certificates at the Winchester College Maths Challenge Awards.
St. Peter’s Primary School and Little Fishes Pre-school
Ofsted celebrates diversity and inclusivity at St Peter’s School, reporting
At St Peter’s, children learn and grow in a happy, secure and nurturing environment. Parents enthuse about how inclusive the school is and value how it welcomes and celebrates children from all faiths and backgrounds. Pupils love coming to school, delight in their learning, and they achieve well.’
The Summer Term has bought with it the most glorious weather enabling the children at Little Fishes to spend many hours playing and learning outdoors.
Local Organisations and Clubs
Nature, Environmental and Sustainability Groups
Repair Café Winchester

It was a delightful day at the Repair Café Grand Opening on Saturday, July 8th when Mayor Cllr Angela Clear graced everyone with her presence for the formal opening at Badger Farm Community Centre. At the previous eight Repair Café events, 156kg of waste was saved from landfill, preventing 1341kg of CO2 emissions.
Winchester Gardening Club
Winchester Gardening Club‘s Autumn programme of talks includes Flowers of Reserves and Roadsides, with speaker Gerald Ponting, Coppicing and its Craftsmen, with speakers Chris and John Westcott, Interactive Pruning under the guidance of Sparsholt lecturer Chris Bird, and The Winter Garden, a talk by Mark Porter, Hampshire Organiser for the National Garden Scheme.
Sustainable Oliver’s Battery
Have you seen any recently? Probably not, as they are nocturnal and the nights are so light. In Oliver’s Battery we are trying to find where our hedgehogs live, so if you spot any poo this summer, can you please tell us about it. We would love to know if there are hedgehogs in Badger Farm too, so tell us.

Other Groups
Oliver’s Battery Brownies
The Brownies have had a packed term with a Coronation celebration and a visit to Injoy, Southampton. The girls really enjoyed a session learning how to plait and style hair with Natalie and Megan from The Priory Hair Lounge. Brown Owl went home looking slightly different to when she arrived!
Oliver’s Battery WI
September will be a busy month for Oliver’s Battery WI as they prepare for participating in the Romsey Show, gather a team of Marshals for the Winchester Half Marathon, get creative with a scarecrow entry and all this before the monthly meeting learning more about Bats. The crazy theme continues into October when we’ll be going Dotty with Ros as we learn how to paint stones! In November they’ll be welcoming our local vicar Rev’d Marianne Foster as our speaker. December will be more social with seasonal fare, quizzes and musical input from the Winchester A Capella singers.
General Articles for Summer 2023
Whiteshute Ridge Update: Summer 2023
Five years on since Winchester City Council took management of this important open space, the species-rich chalk grassland is looking fantastic and full of wildlife. Zoe Keeble, an Ecologist/Biodiversity Officer on WCC’s Natural Environment and Recreation Team, shares the results of the vegetation and wildlife surveys that document the changes to Whiteshute Ridge.
Get on your bike
For many trips into Winchester, it will be quicker, more convenient, and cheaper by bike than the alternatives. Cycle Winchester has published a list of practical routes from Badger Farm into and across the city. So get on your bike and pop into Winchester in 10 minutes. Then grab a coffee or visit the market, bakeries, and independent shops that await you.
Wildlife gardening
Last time, Peter wrote that, like many garden dabblers, he was excited for a great year and bursting wildlife all over the garden. Oh folly! He has entered the phase where there are decisions to take and challenges to face. From frozen ponds to a rodent problem, read about the challenges he’s already had to deal with this year.
Ladder safety
It’s the time of year when hedges need to be cut, windows painted, gutters cleared to name but a few tasks that involve working at height. Local handyman, Tim Newcombe, shares the Dos and Don’ts to make sure you’re safe when using a ladder.
Wishing you well
We all know that self-care is important to our mental and physical health and wellbeing. And we probably know, at least in part, how to practice self-care. So, in the words of Nike ‘just do it!’ If only it was that straightforward. Are you making time for your own self-care?
Weather or Climate? Let’s chat…
Many parishes in the rural areas of Winchester District have started holding ‘Climate Cafés’ where they pass on tips to each other about how to live more sustainably. Would you like a regular ‘Climate Café’ where we could chat and share ideas about low-carbon living? Tell the editor (!

Tech Talk
The issue of environmental protection has become increasingly important. As we look for ways to support sustainability, local computer tutor Ann Jury shares some simple steps you can take with your tech, from offsetting your usage to disposing of old tech responsibly.
Nature Notes
As the sun goes down on another glorious sunny day in June, Wendy Bramall‘s garden plays host to a variety of night-time visitors. A couple of Pipistrelle bats are regulars and a pair of hedgehogs have recently appears.
We hope you enjoyed reading the Summer 2023 edition of Community News. If you have a community contribution for the next edition or would like to advertise with us, please get in touch with Ann Jury, Community News Editor, at The editorial deadline for the next issue is Friday 3 November 2023.