Protect Bushfield Camp
An unprecedented level of residents attended the Badger Farm Parish Council meeting last Monday to discuss the Bushfield Camp Redevelopment proposal with the developers. Unfortunately, at the last minute, the developers were unable to attend. In response to this, the Badger Farm & Oliver’s Battery Residents’ Community Association has launched a petition to make our community’s voices heard and to try and protect Bushfield Camp from inappropriate development.
🚨🚨🚨Read and sign the petition👇
Protect Bushfield Camp from Inappropriate Development

This is a special and valuable natural place that brings benefits to both people and the environment.
Winchester City Council are meeting on Wednesday 21 June to decide whether or not to support the Bushfield Camp concept masterplan. You can see the meeting agenda here: Item 8 CONCEPT MASTERPLAN GOVERNANCE and Item 9 BUSHFIELD CAMP CONCEPT MASTERPLAN are the two items on the agenda relevant to this petition.
Badger Farm & Oliver’s Battery Residents’ Community Association will be ensuring your comments are passed to Winchester City Council via this petition. We would love to hear your thoughts – the proposal and its consultation process, your thoughts for an appropriate use of Bushfield.
Stop press: Hampshire Chronicle reports that A PETITION opposing major plans to redevelop a former army base on the edge of Winchester has received more than 900 signatures.
Local concerns ↗
Read more about the concerns raised at the Badger Farm Parish Council meeting.
Local press ↗
See the write-up, with images from the masterplan, by the Hampshire Chronicle.
Public Info ↗
Find the publicly available information from the developers here.