Legs Bums & Tums logoFun exercise classes

Come along and enjoy our friendly and effective Legs, Bums and Tums classes. The classes combine cardio and conditioning work and are suitable for all abilities. Improve your body shape and increase your fitness levels.

Legs, Bums & Tums

runs every Monday 9.30–10.30am at IBM Sports Hall and Tuesday 6.45–7.45pm at Stanmore Primary School Hall. Both of these classes will return to Badger Farm Community Centre when we are able to use the Battery again. The Tuesday evening class is run on a rota basis to ensure everyone has enough room.

Seniors Exercise Classes

run every Wednesday 11am–12pm in person (9.15–10.15am ONLINE option) at Badger Farm Community Centre in the Bushfield room. These classes comprise of a thorough warm up routine and then move onto cardio, strength, conditioning, balance and chair/mat work all with a view to working at your own pace. The classes run on a 5 week basis.


are also running every Sunday 9.30–10.30am (online), Wednesday 6.30–7.30pm (online) and Friday morning 9.30–10.30am (in person). These are run on a half termly basis.

Please contact Catherine Jones at cathjones@talktalk.net or call 07990 513434 for further information on any of the classes. Catherine is a fully certified Exercise to Music Instructor/Older Adults Instructor/Bootcamp Instructor (member of CIMSPA).